Moda armena: Parte I / Armenian Fashion: Part I

Questa è la collezione di Nur, un marchio armeno di gioielli di cui però non ho trovato nessuna ulteriore informazione. Sono gioielli particolari, quasi importabili, che richiamano disegni e ornamenti tipici della cultura armena. This collection is made by Nur, an Armenian jewelry's brand. I am sorry but I haven't more information about it. They are very odd jewels, unwearable i think, with a design tipical of Armenian's culture.

Guarda cosa mi indossa la Linsday / Take a look: Linsday

Fuseaux con borchie sul retro: idea da copiare. Ci sarà da ridere quando dovrò entrare nel negozio dei dark della mia città per comprare le borchie!

Leggins with studs on the back: that's a good idea. I will laugh a lot when I will have to go in the local Goth store looking for studs!

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AAA tacchi cercasi/I want heels

Voglio un paio di scarpe con tacco alto! Non le trovo, non le trovo! Cerco qualità senza prezzi esagerati e... non le trovo! Poi guardo i piedi di questa blogger che indossa tacchi tutto il giorno e mi consolo. Piedi a parte, il suo blog è molto carino (qui). I want high heels! I don't get them, I don't get them. I'm looking for quality with good price and... I don't get anything! So I look at this blogger's feet who wears heels all day long and I change my mind. Anyway his blog is so cute (here).

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Ritorno con novità/ Coming back with news

Sono tornata da 2 ore dall'Armenia facendo scalo a Praga, ma questo non è un blog di viaggi quindi non vi dirò altro (se però siete interessati potete contattarmi, qui a destra c'è il mio indirizzo di posta elettronica). Come vedete ho rinnovato il layout del blog, c'è aria di cambiamento. A proposito se avete suggerimenti siete i benvenuti. Pensavo di dare una nuova impostazione a superfluamente, vedremo se l'idea verrà promossa. Di certo c'è solo un post sulla moda armena che arriverà a breve. I'm back from Armenia, I've also visited Prague in the meanwhile, but this isn't a travel's blog so I don't tell you more (if you want some infos on the right there's my mail). As you can see I've changed th layout of my blog, I think this will be the first of some changements. If you have some suggestions you will be the best! I thought about new things for my blog during the flight, we will see if they will come true. The next days I'm going to post some ideas from Armenia's fashion week. Stay tuned!


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69 artisti e Dr. Martens / 69 artist and Dr. Martens

Forse chiudo. I think I'm going to close the blog Follow Superflua - mente

Colazione da Tiffany (che titolo originale per un post!)/Breakfast at Tiffany's (what an original title for my post!)

Ieri sera in televisione c'era Colazione da Tiffany, così sono tornata alla mia infanzia. Yesterday evening there was Breakfast at Tiffany's on tv, so I have had a flashback on my childhood.

è da quando sono nata che io e mia mamma lo guardiamo insieme (insieme a Forrest Gump e Via col Vento), ne amo ogni particolare: le feste , Gatto, i trucchi nella cassetta della posta e soprattutto la sua spigliatezza celata sotto mille cappelli diversi.

Since I was born me and my Mum watch it together (the same for Forrest Gump and Gone with the Wind), I love every single things: parties, the Cat, the makeup hidden in the postbox and the wonderful hats. In onore della protagonista Audrey Hepburn (ovvio, che lo dico a fare?) la mia bici si chiama Holly, anche se tutto sommato non capisco la recente moda di avere una borsa con sopra stampato il suo viso, i gadget e le cianfrusaglie che ultimamente molte ragazze sfoggiano con grande foga. Ma così è: prima c'era Marilyn Monroe ora Audrey.

In honour of the protagonist Audrey Hepburn (of course!) my bike's name is Holly, even if I don't completely understand the fashion of making clothes, gadgets and stuff with her on them. But this is reality: in the past Marylin Monroe and now Audrey Hepburn.Ricordo che quand'ero piccola avevo annunciato che "da grande" avrei messo da parte dei soldi per comprare un gioiello da Tiffany.

I remember when I was a child and I said that I would buy something at Tiffany's when grown.

Ok, aspetto ancora un pò.
Mh, maybe next time.

Chic: le categorie - How to define Chic

Ashcan chic
Term used in the United States c.2005 for a "homeless" style, similar to boho-chic, that was initially popularised in Greenwich Village. Its main features were floppy hats, sunglasses and "dust-catcher" skirts. Bobo (i.e. bourgeois-Bohemian) chic was used in a similar sense.

Beach chic
Beach chic" was the title of an article in 2006 by the Times fashion editor Lisa Armstrong about shopping for accessories to accompany a bikini. These included a "cover-up" (e.g. a kaftan), flat sandals, a hat, a fake tan. See also Seaside chic.
Style of fashion style in the early 21st century which drew on earlier Bohemian and hippie styles.
Casual chic
Casual chic (or chic casual) is a difficult term to define, but can perhaps best be described as "dressing down" in a stylish way. skinny jeans, "longline, clingy jerseys", "statement" bags and chunky jewellery, slouchy sweaters and hoodies with comfortable flats. Easy chic ("breezy blouses, slouchy knits and sexy denim" ) has similar connotations.
Geek Chic
The look of a computer nerd.
Greek Chic
"Greek Chic" is a term applied to a style of dress that is popular in the Mediterranean and often employed by Greek shipowners in particular.
Goth chic
High Street chic
Applied to the sort of "everyday" sense of style that might be spotted in any metropolitan or provincial setting; most likely to be associated with prevailing "shop window" fashions.
Hippie chic

Parisian chic
Frequently applied to anything stylish connected with the French capital Paris or to the style of French celebrities. Variants included "Left Bank" or "Right Bank" chic. To a large extent, it refers to upper-class, or upper-middle-class, young men and women who are well-bred, or appear so, with good bones, slim bodies and a sophisticated but restrained and elegant sense of style.
Rock-girl chic
Rock-girl chic" has meant different things during differing periods of music and fashion, but was often associated with a hippie image and was similar enough as a phrase to the slightly patronising "rock chick" to convey a sense of being a "groupie".
Rural chic
Seaside chic
"Stripes, shorts, suits - seaside chic for the girl in every port";Seaside chic ... bright, bold colours, vibrant prints and stylish accessories rule the waves".

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